Which of the following statements is true about the kingdom Fungi?

Which of the following statements is true about the kingdom Fungi?
A. Fungi obtain nutrients by absorbing organic matter
B. Fungi are photosynthetic organisms
C. Fungi are multicellular organisms
D. Fungi reproduce through the formation of seeds

Correct Option: Answer is A
The correct statement about the kingdom Fungi is:
A. Fungi obtain nutrients by absorbing organic matter
Here’s why the other options are incorrect:
• B. Fungi are photosynthetic organisms: No, fungi lack chlorophyll and cannot perform photosynthesis. They are heterotrophic, meaning they rely on existing organic matter for energy.
• C. Fungi are multicellular organisms: While some fungi are unicellular (like yeast), many are multicellular with a network of thread-like filaments called hyphae. So, this statement can be true or false depending on the specific fungus.
• D. Fungi reproduce through the formation of seeds: No, fungi reproduce through a variety of sexual and asexual mechanisms involving spores, not seeds. Seeds are a characteristic of plants.

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