
Which of the following is the most inclusive level of classification in the Linnaean system?

Which of the following is the most inclusive level of classification in the Linnaean system?
A. Kingdom
B. Phylum
C. Domain
D. Class

Correct Option: Answer is C
the broadest category encompassing all living organisms in the Linnaean system is the domain. Currently, there are three recognized domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Each domain then branches into kingdoms, and the hierarchy continues to more specific levels like phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and finally species.

Which of the following is the most inclusive level of classification in the Linnaean system? Read More »

Viviparity refers to the reproductive strategy in which

Viviparity refers to the reproductive strategy in which
A. Offspring are produced by internal fertilization
B. Offspring are produced by external fertilization
C. Offspring develop and are nourished inside the female’s body
D. Offspring develop and are nourished outside the female’s body
Correct Option: Answer is C
The correct answer to the question about viviparity is:
C. Offspring develop and are nourished inside the female’s body
Here’s why the other options are incorrect:
• A. Offspring are produced by internal fertilization: While internal fertilization is often associated with viviparity, it’s not the defining characteristic. Some species with oviparity (egg-laying) also achieve internal fertilization.
• B. Offspring are produced by external fertilization: This clearly contradicts the definition of viviparity, where development and nourishment happen within the mother’s body.
• D. Offspring develop and are nourished outside the female’s body: This describes oviparity, the opposite of viviparity. In oviparous species, the eggs are laid and develop outside the mother’s body, often relying solely on the yolk for nourishment.

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Which of the following statements is true about the kingdom Fungi?

Which of the following statements is true about the kingdom Fungi?
A. Fungi obtain nutrients by absorbing organic matter
B. Fungi are photosynthetic organisms
C. Fungi are multicellular organisms
D. Fungi reproduce through the formation of seeds

Correct Option: Answer is A
The correct statement about the kingdom Fungi is:
A. Fungi obtain nutrients by absorbing organic matter
Here’s why the other options are incorrect:
• B. Fungi are photosynthetic organisms: No, fungi lack chlorophyll and cannot perform photosynthesis. They are heterotrophic, meaning they rely on existing organic matter for energy.
• C. Fungi are multicellular organisms: While some fungi are unicellular (like yeast), many are multicellular with a network of thread-like filaments called hyphae. So, this statement can be true or false depending on the specific fungus.
• D. Fungi reproduce through the formation of seeds: No, fungi reproduce through a variety of sexual and asexual mechanisms involving spores, not seeds. Seeds are a characteristic of plants.

Which of the following statements is true about the kingdom Fungi? Read More »

Which of the following is NOT a method of reproduction in animals?

Which of the following is NOT a method of reproduction in animals?
A. Asexual reproduction
B. Budding
C. Sexual reproduction
D. Sporulation

Correct Option: Answer is D
Sporulation is a method of reproduction observed in some groups of organisms, such as fungi and certain types of protists. It involves the formation and release of spores, which are specialized reproductive structures that can develop into new individuals under suitable conditions. Sporulation is not a method of reproduction in animals.

Which of the following is NOT a method of reproduction in animals? Read More »

Which of the following factors primarily affects the distribution of organisms in an ecosystem

Which of the following factors primarily affects the distribution of organisms in an ecosystem
A. Wind speed
B. Soil pH
C. Temperature
D. Day length

Correct Option: Answer is C
Temperature primarily affects the distribution of organisms in an ecosystem. Temperature is a crucial factor that influences the survival, growth, and reproductive capabilities of organisms. Different species have specific temperature requirements and tolerance ranges.

Which of the following factors primarily affects the distribution of organisms in an ecosystem Read More »

Which of the following describes the inheritance of traits from parents to offspring

Which of the following describes the inheritance of traits from parents to offspring
A. Evolution
B. Adaptation
C. Genetics
D. Natural selection

Correct Option: Answer is C
Genetics is the field of biology that studies the inheritance of traits from parents to offspring. Genetics encompasses various concepts and principles, including the study of genes, DNA, chromosomes, genetic inheritance patterns, genetic mutations, and genetic variations.

Which of the following describes the inheritance of traits from parents to offspring Read More »

Which of the following represents the correct hierarchical organization of life from the smallest to the largest scale?

Which of the following represents the correct hierarchical organization of life from the smallest to the largest scale?
A. Organs, tissues, cells, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems
B. Cells, organs, tissues, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems
C. Tissues, organs, cells, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems
D. Cells, tissues, organs, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems

Correct Option: Answer is D
The correct hierarchical organization of life from the smallest to the largest scale is as follows: cells, tissues, organs, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems.

Which of the following represents the correct hierarchical organization of life from the smallest to the largest scale? Read More »

Which of the following is an example of conserving resources in an ecosystem

Which of the following is an example of conserving resources in an ecosystem
A. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture
B. Introducing invasive species to an ecosystem
C. Implementing sustainable fishing practices
D. Cutting down trees for timber production

Correct Option: Answer is C
Implementing sustainable fishing practices is an example of conserving resources in an ecosystem.

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Which of the following characteristics is typical of the phylum Arthropoda?

Which of the following characteristics is typical of the phylum Arthropoda?
A. Radial symmetry
B. Closed circulatory system
C. Endoskeleton made of bones
D. Presence of a segmented body

Correct Option: Answer is D
Arthropods are characterized by the presence of a segmented body. This is a key characteristic of the phylum Arthropoda, which includes insects, spiders, and crustaceans.

Which of the following characteristics is typical of the phylum Arthropoda? Read More »

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