Viviparity refers to the reproductive strategy in which

Viviparity refers to the reproductive strategy in which
A. Offspring are produced by internal fertilization
B. Offspring are produced by external fertilization
C. Offspring develop and are nourished inside the female’s body
D. Offspring develop and are nourished outside the female’s body
Correct Option: Answer is C
The correct answer to the question about viviparity is:
C. Offspring develop and are nourished inside the female’s body
Here’s why the other options are incorrect:
• A. Offspring are produced by internal fertilization: While internal fertilization is often associated with viviparity, it’s not the defining characteristic. Some species with oviparity (egg-laying) also achieve internal fertilization.
• B. Offspring are produced by external fertilization: This clearly contradicts the definition of viviparity, where development and nourishment happen within the mother’s body.
• D. Offspring develop and are nourished outside the female’s body: This describes oviparity, the opposite of viviparity. In oviparous species, the eggs are laid and develop outside the mother’s body, often relying solely on the yolk for nourishment.

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